Tooth whitening is a simple, common, non-invasive dental procedure, it aids in changing the color of natural tooth enamel and an easy way to enhance the beauty of your smile. Tooth whitening procedure is currently a number one aesthetic concern for many patients in North America and there are several ways the teeth can be whitened. One of the most popular methods is using a home tooth whitening kit, it is affordable, produces excellent results, and really brightens your smile.
It is very important to evaluate replacement of any fillings, crowns, bridges, etc. Such replacements must be addressed after bleaching is complete as they will match the newly bleached teeth. Thus, if you have natural lower teeth which in your opinion are too dark or stained, bleaching those first will be a great idea before a denturist fabricates you a new upper denture on 4 implants. Also, if you are making a new partial denture with a denturist, your adjacent natural teeth can be bleached first, crowns and fillings changed as needed with a dentist, whom denturist works with in a collaborative treatment environment. After completion of this work denturist will proceed with fabrication of your new partial.
This type of tooth whitening usually requires two visits, first visit will require impressions of your teeth to fabricate clear, individual custom trays and during your second visit your custom trays will be tried in the mouth for proper fit, and adjusted if necessary. The trays are worn with solution once a day for 1 hour for a couple of weeks, depending on the degree of staining and desired degree of whitening. It is normal to experience some tooth sensitivity during the length of procedure, it will usually disappear after the bleaching had stopped. You will receive care instructions for your teeth, trays, and will be encouraged to visit your dentist on the regular basis to help maintain your smile and health of your natural teeth for a long time to come.